'We aspire to prepare our students for a changing world, embracing the school values of respect, teamwork, excellence, accountability, confidence and honesty.’
As a staff we are proud of our strong culture of collaboration and teamwork. Teachers and School Support Officers (SSOs) plan together for quality, differentiated and intentional teaching. Our key priority within our Site Improvement Plan (SIP) is continuous learner achievement and striving for intellectual stretch at all levels. Learning intervention support and extension is provided for identified students. Teachers and SSOs set high expectations for success and provide differentiated learning programs to ensure students work to achieve at their individual potential.
The consistent application of a well-established behaviour management policy supports a strong focus on positive behaviour. Students benefit from the generous play space and updated resources. Cross-age interaction between students is recognised as a great strength of the student culture here.
The Australian Curriculum guides teaching and learning through the 8 learning areas. Families are provided with a term overview/newsletter each term outlining the learning programme.
Learning Technologies are embedded across all learning opportunities and students have access to a computer suite, iPads and laptops, 3D printer, Spheros and Edison Robots. Students in years 3 - 6 benefit from 1:1 Chromebooks. Students and staff use information and communication technologies as a resource for daily activities. Each classroom is equipped with an interactive Smart Television.